11 Haz

Training the Young for Family Companies

In recent years, family companies in Turkey have paid much more attention to the importance of continuity than I saw in my childhood. I see this beyond the firms I work for, even in the firms that do not intend to start working with an Heir Coach for now. Perhaps preparing the next generation for business life is not among their priorities, but I can tell you that they have realized its importance.

In the early years of my business life, since our company is one of the relatively leading companies in Adana in terms of institutionalization, some of the bosses of young and smaller companies used to send their children to companies like our company. The families of the young people who were near me in our factory were usually the acquaintances of my elders, the companies we bought goods/services from or our customers. "Orhan, our son graduated from the school, let him come to your factory for a year or two and learn some work" they said. I used to do my best to these young people by nature and hold them by their hand. I'd take great pleasure in transmitting what I know. Now that I think about it, these are really more or less visionary people.  

Now this business-heir coaching- has become a profession in itself and an important service for the continuity of family companies. I would like to inform families and parents of the young about a matter or two at this point. I have a perspective of preparing the young for family companies for higher positions in business life in two phases, very clearly and simply. This is; before and after the young man was thrown into the business.

First, even in order to be able to work in a different company, let alone that young person take over the family business, he needs to have a good education first. Education here is not an expensive university abroad. Isn’t there any upside to this? There is, of course, but not necessarily, and this is not the only and best way. What is meant here is the education that parents give to the child in the family. Families, the trend we see in fathers, who are often also bosses, are leaving almost the entire burden of their children to mothers by making excuses for the busy nature of things. One must remember that one learns by imitating what he sees. In the first years of their lives, they will take a balanced example of both mother and father with their good habits and habits. Evenings, weekends, summer holidays, holidays, activities will teach the child a lot. During these times, the person who will whisper the little information that children need to learn in their early years should be the mother/father.

Besides, while stepping into youth, future bosses must acquire hobbies and habits ranging from arts to sports. After all, a healthy mind requires a healthy body. The fact that sports and philosophy were done together in the areas called Gymnasium in Ancient Greece shows us the importance these people gave to mental health as much as to the body. In fact, at that time, it was considered a great lack to try to be developed alone without one of the two: body or mind.

During these periods, it is very important for children to have some kind of cultural activities, groups of friends and various other communities (networks) even if they are not under the full control of the family. Apart from these, I think there is extra need to talk about the importance of an avid reader, family, in which the child grew up.

If we have, more or less, provided these young people with a good university education, let's come to phase two; to the stage of young people working in the family business. The primary important event here is that the young person in question should work for a year or two in another job, which he found himself, before starting to work in the family's business. Most of the time, I see that this step is being skipped or the young person who works out for 3 to 5 months is immediately taken into the family business. I think the key concept for the young here is to prove himself. The person must first work in an outside job and, if possible, perform an upgrade where he or she works, or complete a project (or be part of a completed project).

After that, the young person should start working in a suitable position in the family business according to his / her knowledge and skills. The mistake I see at this point is either giving this young man a broom or giving him a managerial position at the company at once. I am personally against this. If such a young person is going to get a job outside, or if another company is going to start a young person with these qualifications in the workplace, they should start from the same position in the family business.

After this point, of course, there are many methods and techniques that we professionals have implemented but will not be summarized in this article. But I should also remind the families who want to undertake this task themselves that the elders who will guide the young need to be patient and planned. It should not be forgotten that there are enormous differences in knowledge and experience between the young and senior managers at the beginning of business life. All these should not be expected to be crossed at once in a few months or a year or two.

Tunç Vidinli

Heir Coach