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Enneagram Human Recognition Model

9 Different Personality Motifs

In Zero Centered Human Recognition Model there are nine distinct personality types. 9 different basic personalities express 9 different views on life, 9 different thinking and ways of doing things. None of the 9 different basic personalities has superiority over the other. Each personality has its own strengths and weaknesses. Personalities have healthy, average and unhealthy levels in themselves. The differences within each basic personality motif make it difficult to define the personalities briefly and clearly. The short descriptions that we use below are the outlines of the personality motifs. Each personality expresses a distinct value in life.

The concepts that define 9 different basic personalities are as follows:

Persons with emotionally predominant personality:

Charitable: Care, Love, Need, Service, Relationship, Empathy, Ownership, Orientation, and Sympathy

Focused on Success: Goal, Image, Motivation, Development, Production, Speed, Workaholic, Competition, and Ambition

Original: Diversity, Art, Aesthetics, Design, Individuality, Intuition, Depth, Emotion, Melancholy

Persons with mentally predominant personality:

Researcher: Expertise, Knowledge, Observation, Understanding, Curiosity, Loneliness, Archiving, Objectivity, Privacy

Faithful Interrogator: Precaution, Trust, Commitment, Systematic, Worry, Mystery, Responsibility, Defense

Discoverer: Optimism, Inspiration, Vision, Change, Extraordinariness, Innovation, Adventure, Dissatisfaction, Pleasure

Persons with physically predominant personality:

Ambitious: Justice, Power, Independence, Leadership, Chivalry, Protection, Courage, Action, and Intervention

Peaceful: Harmony, Tranquility, Naturalness, Dialogue, Patience, Persistence, Persuasion, Solemnity, and Indecision

Perfectionist: Ideal, Rule, Principle, Prudence, Detail, Order, Criticism, Tension, and Objectivity

The 9 different basic personality traits are potentially available in every human being; but the dominant potential of every individual is different. One of the 9 different personalities is the basic personality motif that reflects the personality of the individual. The basic personality motif is the motif that gives color to the whole personality. People can acquire different personality traits according to their level, education, and experience and they can model a different personality in their own lives. One can create value in life by gaining the perspectives of different personalities; however the basic personality motif does not change.

Gaining different perspectives enables us to look at life and events from different perspectives rather than from a single point of view. It allows us to see the truth from a 360-degree perspective, not at an angle of nine. 9 different personality motifs are a system that describes motifs both specific to a human and a system.