Enneagram Personality Tests
Many studies have been made on personalities throughout the history of mankind and many theories have been formed in this field. The general notion widely accepted as a result of the studies is “Every human being is a universe in itself. No man is like the other; just like snowflakes.” In other words, there are now more than seven billion characteristics in our world which are different from each other.
As a matter of course, this situation should not be perceived as if there are no similarities. Snowflakes are different from each other but have some common motifs. People, like snowflakes, are similar to each other with certain common motifs. Certain classifications or groupings can be made on these common motifs (common aspects). All theories about personalities are the products of this process and they measure the personalities in a scientific and systematic way within the scope of common points of people.
As R&M Consultancy, we make this measurement based on 3 potentials of human, which are emotional potential, mental potential and physical potential. In this model, the basic personality functions that are dominant in each individual are also different from each other. An interaction between the characteristics of the innate temperament and the environment also plays a role in this difference. In other words, people who were born with similar temperament characteristics exhibit different personality motifs as a result of all experiences and events.
Today, we experience different and serious problems from many aspects. In order to overcome these problems, we constantly try to change and regulate others. In addition, we set goals for our selves based on our experiences and constantly try to reach them. The most overlooked issue at this point is the self-knowledge and recognition. People who do not know themselves are not realistic and are faced with bigger problems in their relations with others and their expectations about the future.
As R&M Consultancy, our aim in this test is to increase individual awareness and contribute to the personal development of individuals. Our test is not intended to make use of people, to group or label them. Additionally, it should be remembered that it is the individual who will understand the test reports best and make clear definitions as a result of the interpretations, because every person is unique and can capable of knowing himself / herself deep inside. The important point is the possibility of experiencing personality confusion as a result of incomplete or incorrect information in their studies to identify themselves. It is therefore necessary to seek help from a consultant or a professional.
Please contact us to purchase our test.
Emotions, thoughts, abilities, interests, attitudes, behaviors and actions of a person are among the main components of his personality. The individual is usually aware of some of them but some of them are not known. By learning the personality type, it will be possible to reveal both the characteristics of the temperament and the characteristics of the personality, and thus, it will be possible to know the personality preferences of the individual and to understand and develop the strengths and weaknesses of each individual. In other words, the person will be able to recognize himself / herself and find answers to what, why and how.
It is clear that learning the personality type will strengthen communication between people, prevent interpersonal conflicts and open a way to develop solutions to problems. People who have learned their own personality type, who know the strengths and weaknesses of their personality, and who have the chance to develop themselves accordingly become good communicators. In this way, they can establish balanced, warm and supportive relationships with their families, friends, the society in which they live and all humanity.
Another benefit of learning the personality type is that the person can make life choices that are suitable for himself / herself and that will satisfy him / her. Particularly in career, partnerships, marriage and hobby selection, it is very important to know one's own personality type and preferences arising from this type. We see a lot of people around who are unhappy because of work, marriage or lifestyle. Most of this unhappiness stems from the fact that one does not recognize himself, that is, the combination of temperament and character, that is, his personality. The more a person knows about his personality, the more visible his / her self will be. Persons who are aware of their personality type and self are more likely to be happy in life and live a life that satisfies them.
“Your Journey to Your World Begins”
General Personality Report includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- The important concepts for you
- Your way of thinking and
- Development advicethat is special for you.
What does the Enneagram General Personality Report contribute to you?
You will read your own profile from a holistic perspective of objective standards and scientific measurements.
You will have a means to better interpret your past, present and future. You will become aware of aspects that you have not noticed before.
You will see your strengths, limitations and developmental needs.
You will be able to read and adopt personal development advice that is special for you.
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts. All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
“Your Journey to Your World Begins”
General Personality Report which you will be provided includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- Your basic personality functions
- Your secondary characteristics and the focal points of your interests and energy
- Possible potential hazards
- Your behavior pattern in relaxed situations and under pressure
- Your stress and anger factors
- Developmental advicethat is special for you
What does the Enneagram General Personality Report contribute to you?
- You will read your own profile from a holistic perspective of objective standards and scientific measurements.
- You will have a means to better interpret your life story, your past, present and future.
- You will become aware of aspects that you have not noticed before.
- You will see your strengths, limitations and developmental needs.
- You will be able to read and adopt your personal developmental advice.
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
“Would you like to take firm steps forward in your career path?”
If you say, “I don't know where I'm going, I can't see the future!”, if you don't want the job search processes after university to block your goals, the career report will shed light on you. When planning your career, making choices that match your personality traits will greatly facilitate your achievement of your goal, despite the possible negativity that you may experience during your success. You will have a guide and a resource that grounds on your personality, which you can consult when building your career. You will be able to make right choices for a happier and more fulfilling life. You will be aware of your professional tendencies that you have not noticed before and will be able to read and adopt the career advice that is special for you.
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts. All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
Your Career Report includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- Your basic personality functions
- Your secondary features
- Focal points of your interests and energy
- Possible potential hazards
- Your behavior pattern in relaxed situations and under pressure
- Your stress and anger factors
- Developmental advice that is special for you
- What job satisfaction means to you
- The work environments you like and dislike
- Professions which are suitable or not suitable for you
- The career advice that is special for you
Each individual's lifestyle, character, view of life is different from each other. One should first turn towards the profession where he / she can express himself / herself best, that he / she will not get tired ofprofessing and that is suitable for his / her personality.
What is this profession?
When looking for the answer to this question, it is necessary to take into account your skills, personality, qualifications, interests, value judgments and needs.
In the Career Choice Report, we tried to include prominent occupational groups and professions that match your personality. Instead of offering existing and possible occupations, we deem suitable to include the occupational groups that match your personality and the characteristics of the working environment.
We believe that the realistic choice,which you will make by taking into consideration your individual features such as your interests, abilities, your school success, your family's financial and professional background, and your consultant’s guidance, will make you even happier.
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
Your Choice of Profession Report includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- Your basic personality functions
- Your career choice chart
- Work environments you like and dislike
- Professions which are suitable or not suitable for you
- The career advice that is special for you
One of the basic requirements for increasing the quality of education is the increase of teacher quality. Teaching competences cannot be limited with maturation of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional participation. We believe that the teachers, who we expect they plan an educational process by considering individual differences, will discover their own individual differences and show their potentialin teaching environment.
The teacher report will contribute to the planning of educational process of teachers, administrators and their colleagues in order to increase the quality of education.
Teacher Report includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- Your basic personality functions
- Your way of thinking
- Your potential
- Your teaching strategies
- What kind of teacher you are in the classroom
- Your strengths in teaching
- The features you need to pay attention
- The advice that is special for you
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
Planning, taking into consideration the natural personality traits of the student, which is the most important element of education, is of primary importance for both parents and teachers. Today we know that students learn in different ways, are interested in different areas, or have different psychological priorities and needs.
This student report will guide teachers and administrators in planning the educational process and will guide the students in determining the road maps in the education.
Student Report Includes:
- Your basic personality traits
- Your potential
- Your way of thinking
- Your learning strategies
- Your studying style
- What kind of student you are in the classroom
- The advice that is special for you
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
The leadership skills of their executives play a major role in the success of all companies. It is often thought that those who will serve as managers should have certain leadership characteristics. Some of these features can be learned, while others relate to one's personality and character.
Management and Leadership Report include:
- Your basic personality traits and functions
- Your potential
- Your management style
- Your administrative features that are strong and that need to be improved
- Customized management advice
- Your roles within the team
- Your communication style with your employees and possible communication errors
- Your leadership characteristics
- The advice that is special for you
You can also have your experts comment on your report and you can make the necessary planning with the help of the experts.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
Although factors such as talent, experience, training and appearance can be evaluated during the interview in recruitment processes; other factors such as personality, behavioral preferences and cultural adaptation are difficult to evaluate during the interview. Today, it is necessary to support recruitment processes through interviews and personality tests.
Our employee candidate report has a wide range of data. These data will make it clearer in the hiring decisions of the institutions considering the factors such as task, person, team and cultural adaptation. It will be very easy for institutions to provide feedback with a report prepared specifically for the candidate. Using these reports in the selection process will save businesses time and help them choose the most suitable candidate for the task.
Employee Candidate Report includes:
- Basic personality traits and functions
- Potentials
- Comparative working graph
- Communication style
- Communication errors
- Personal competencies
You can also have your experts comment on your report and make the necessary planning with the help of the experts to improve yourself.
All you need to do is to make an appointment with us.
In order to have a happy marriage we, as R&M Consulting, believe that it is important to determine the natural needs of married couples or individuals who intend to get married, as well as to create a common language of communication between them. Developing this common language of communication is essential for the establishment of strong ties between couples as well as for healthy communication with children who will join the family. In order to establish a healthy relationship between couple, we attach importance to reporting on the personality types of the individuals and to reveal the harmony between the couple or family members with the counseling service to be provided. When individuals are positioned as spouses, mothers, fathers, siblings, children, brides and grooms in the society, they will be able to develop communication by knowing the personality characteristics of themselves and the individuals they interact with.
As R&M Consultancy Test Center, we use personality tests for fiancées, married people and children.
With these tests,
You will realize your potentials, your positive and possible negative aspects,
You will realize the potential, positive and potential negative aspects of your spouse, your fiancée or your children,
You can realize your potential problems with your spouse, your fiancée or your children and develop solutions for them.
By recognizing the way your child learns, you can solve any problems that your child may already have in his/her classes.
It should not be forgotten that; “Happy Family Equals Happy Career”.