For many students, parents, and educators, it is very important for their child or student to succeed in their educational life.
Taking high grades from the exams, studying at high quality educational institutions and universities after central exams, and having a good profession are the dreams of all students and families.
While some students can easily achieve their desired goals, for some, this process can be a little more challenging.
* What are the obstacles to success?
* How to achieve success?
* What kind of a path do you need to follow to achieve?
* Is it academic success or success in life?
The most important problem for many students to achieve is that they do not recognize themselves clearly, cannot express themselves correctly, and cannot clearly convey the problems they experience.
When we examine programs that bring students success and enable them to acquire new skills, we see that the correct guidance and directions are important.
With Check-up 360 program developed by R&M counseling and psychology department, we aim to create a surplus value to our students, institutions, parents and a mentor/guide for teachers through the tests that we apply to students together with the reports following these tests. In this way, we ensure that our student will be recognized in a shorter time and more closely as well as providing information that will contribute to the student's development.
We can apply Check- up 360 program to students both individually and institutionally. After the implementation of the tests face-to-face and online by our R & M psychology department, we present a report prepared specifically for the student in cooperation with the psychology and education department and share this report to him, his parent and, if desired, a mentor/coach/guidance teacher.
For a check-up 360 appointment please click