12 Eki

Career Recommendations for Enneagram types (Type 8-Type 9-Type 1)

Type 8 and career recommendations:

Type 8’s are strong and confident. They have a strong nature and naturally like to take responsibility. They can be compassionate and be interested in justice. They have a strong will and they know what they want.

Type 9’s are divided into 3 basic potentials. These are the emotional, mental and physical potentials.

Type 8’s are located in the physical center. They want to do something. Therefore, Type 8’s are typically assertive, confident and strong-willed.

Also the main desireS of Type 8 is to be protected.

Type 8’s have the potential to:

* Ambitious: Type 8’s are confident and directly say what they need to say and move on.

* Determinant: Type 8’s respond quickly and are willing to make decisions. They trust their instincts and take things forward.

* Protective: Beneath their hardness, type 8’s are kind-hearted and take people under their wing. They protect people and what they care about, and they fight against injustice.

* Independent: Self-sufficient type 8’s do not like to depend on others and maintain their autonomy.

* Effective: Type 8’s have ways to take responsibility and influence others.

Key motivations affecting the careers of type 8’s

How are Type 8’s motivated?

* Helping others solve a problem

* Making a difference

* Be fast-paced

* Be efficient

* Be solution oriented

How do type 8’s become demotivated?

* If leaders or the environment controls 

* If they feel unappreciated

* If teammates change offense

* If unresolved issues persist

* If expectations are uncertain

Type 9 and career recommendations:

Type 9’s usually act as the glue that holds the relationships together. They are diplomatic, modest and often easy-to-understand in their choice of words. Type 9’s tend to be acceptable, and they can often make their wishes or needs seem trivial. They are also great listeners and see both aspects of events.

9 Enneagram types are divided into 3 basic potentials. These are the emotional, mental and physical potentials.

Type 9’s are located in the physical potential. Their actions, however, are an effort to maintain or create peace. Type 9’s are typically harmonious, adaptable, and great at considering different points of view.

Also the main desire of Type 9 is peace.

Type 9’s have the potential to be:

* Acceptable: Wasy to get along with Type 9’s. Others see them as open, understanding and peaceful.

* Understanding: Type 9s can listen to differences and understand different perspectives, find similarities between differences with a great synthesis skill.

* Patient: Type 9’s do things in a calm, sustainable way, relying on the natural rhythm of projects and processes.

* Supportive: Others feel accepted, heard and understood in the presence of type 9s. They see people as they are and see their full potential.

* Genuine: What you see is what you get with Type 9, and they are unpretentious. Others can be comfortable with them.

Key motivations affecting the careers of type 9’s

How are type 9’s motivated?

* Helping others solve a problem

* Listening to and responding to people's needs

* Making a difference

* Uniting groups of people

* Stable

* Solution oriented

How do type 9s become demotivated?

* If they are not heard or desired

* If fast paced

* If the leader avoids a relationship with them

* If unresolved issues persist

* If they are forced to make difficult decisions on their own

Type 1 and career recommendations:

Type 1’s tend to be rational. They can be black and white, principled and focused on perfectionism. They also often feel responsible for healing themselves and the world around him.

Enneagram 9 types are divided into 3 basic potentials. These are the emotional, mental and physical potentials.

Type 1 is located in the physical potential. However, their actions are internally directed. Therefore, Type 1’s are often disciplined, organized and interested in quality.

Also the basic desire of Type 1 is to be honest, good, full of virtue and right.

Type 1 potential includes:

* Principled: Type 1’s value integrity and want to lead as a good example. They defend right and good.

* Purpose: They can see and judge details, people and situations impartially, without emotion.

* Conscientious: They are reliable and responsible, stick to their words and carefully take everything to the end.

* Configuration: Type 1’s take advantage of opportunities to configure things and are naturally adept at organizing, prioritizing, and creating an order.

* Quality-oriented: Those who master the details should pay attention to quality standards and the application of rules and procedures.

Key motivations affecting the careers of Type 1’s

How are Type 1’s motivated?

* Bring justice to fix things

* Solve a problem

* Causing growth and development

* Helping those in need

* Being moved towards accuracy and accuracy

How do Type 1’s become demotivated?

* If the environment or colleagues are negative

* If there is an inability to see how things can get better

* If the leader ignores feedback and ideas

* If they are labelled critical for attention to detail

* If leaders or colleagues are unethical


Compiled from www.enneagramgift.com by Azıze Sahin, Educator