Kariyer Yolculuğunda Doğru Adım At 2.Baskı

Many young people begin to dream, starting from years ago, about achieving the profession they aim. However, young people experience frustrations and waste their efforts, time and energy without realizing their own personality and potential in choosing a profession, without fully discovering the profession they are aiming for, and without implementing the necessary plans in time to achieve it.

Considering the number of young people, who experience career unhappiness by studying at departments they have to choose, or who are unable to acquire any profession, or are even unemployed, it becomes clear how important our career journey is. I hope that this book, which I think will guide you on this journey to make your dreams come true, will shed light on your path…

To obtain the book you can click on https://www.kitapyurdu.com/kitap/dogrudanyayincilik/651938.html