22 Şub

Duties of Institutions in Training Human Resources for Their Needs

There may be some differences between the human resources raised by universities and the human resources needed by sectors. So, what tasks fall on employers and universities to make more solution-oriented decisions in the name of employment?

Planning a person's career life early, communicating with the business world and sectors comes across as a new approach to Career Planning. Especially in vocational high schools and universities, the field studied and the sector studied with the department can be seen as a proper career planning. In general, university graduates cannot be trained according to the needs of the sectors. For this reason, there is a difference between the human resources raised by universities and the Human Resources expected by the sector. There are some tasks that fall on universities, industry representatives and students to address this problem.

Duties of Universities

When developing programs and creating course content, university administrations should make decisions by having knowledge about the human resources needed by the sector and positions. For this, they must conduct research at the macro and micro level. At the same time, they should become global…

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