Child And Adolescent Counseling

Children and adolescents experience and express differently than the adults when they experience emotional distress. A psychological problem can cause them to have problems in their social lives, have learning difficulties, exhibit aggressive behaviors, develop some rituals and repetitive behaviors, or develop negative sense of self.

The resulting behaviors and feelings cause them not to fully utilize their social, emotional and intellectual capacities. The quality of family, friend and teacher support is enhanced with the help of an expert; the child / adolescent is provided with assistance as to ideally express his / her problem.


‘Family’ is an important constituent in child and adolescent counseling. The sessions, especially the first session, are arranged to include the participation of the families. The restructuring of the family and the home environment together with the therapy contributes to the positive progress of the therapy process of the child and adolescent.


  • Family support in adolescence
  • Conflicts and communication problems between adolescents and family
  • Exam anxiety
  • Substance use in adolescence
  • Behavioral problems
  • Identity formation in adolescence
  • Anger and aggression in adolescence
  • Changeable emotional reactions in adolescence
  • Stress in friendship
  • Self-confidence issues
  • Sleep problems- nightmares
  • Exclusion in adolescence
  • Crime in adolescence
  • Kleptomania in adolescence
  • Anti-social behaviors in adolescence (escaping from school)
  • Anxiety disorder in adolescence
  • Obsessive compulsive behaviors in adolescence
  • Social phobia / Social anxiety
  • Depression in adolescence
  • Attention deficit in adolescence
During the counseling process, your counselor will provide you with a safe environment to put your thoughts and feelings into words. This indirectly allows you to better understand your feelings and thoughts and gain control over them. Confronting problems and challenges rather than ignoring them and pretending as if they don’t exist brings along certain relief and hope.
  • At the beginning of the consultancy process, he/she listens to you, makes the necessary evaluations, sets goals with you in confidentiality and professional manner and starts to work accordingly.
  • He listens to you with sincere interest without judging you and asks questions to get to know you better.
  • A psychological counselor is the person who helps you better understand yourself and your problem and thus solve your problem, but not the person who advises you on how to live.
  • He / She is attentive to be unbiased and sensitive to your beliefs, values and thoughts.
  • He / She may refer you to other experts when he/she deems necessary for your benefit.
  • He / She tries to help you better understand your problems so that you can solve them more effectively.
  • He talks to you about your troubles, but he/she can't solve your problems on your behalf; because you are the only person who knows the details about your life's processes and difficulties, so “you” can decide on the most appropriate solutions and “you” can implement these solutions and changes in your life. You are the only one who can. Remember, counselors aren't the people with the magic wand in their hands.
  • The counselor doesn’t give advice or try to convince you to follow a certain path. On the other hand, he/she provides you with a safe environment to better understand yourself, start solving your problems and develop your skills for them.