Family and Couples Counseling
Family counseling is a counseling service provided under the Family Law Act. Family counselor focuses on couples' problems. Additionally, during separation and divorce, it helps them easily overcome the problems related to children and personal problems or the interpersonal problems in the family. It also deals with family counseling, new living arrangements, child care and financial regulations. In family counseling, people put forward a problem in the family from their own point of view and the counselor helps each person;
* Listen others with respect,
* See and understand the perspective of others,
* Speak about the problem,
* Express feelings and thoughts clearly about others,
* Not behave offensively toward others,
* See others as they are,
* Try to express their expectations clearly from others.
The subject of family counseling is not the individuals who make up the family, but the relationship between individuals, and the quality of communication. In the family counseling process; engaged couples are provided with family readiness counseling and newly married couples are provided with family counseling.
- Couple relationship and communication problems
- Relationship between parents and child
- Process of divorce
- Communication problems and disloyalty (Adultery)
- Imbalances between work and private life
- Children's behavior and school problems
- Loss of a family member
- Domestic conflicts
- Remarried couples
- Adoptive families
- Domestic violence
- Domestic sexual harassment
- If the relationship and communication in marriage turn into a fight,
- If there are excessive, violent and unresolved fights,
- If marriage turns into a necessity that needs to be continued, rather than a pleasure,
- If a solution cannot be found, even though the fights are always on the same issues (e.g. jealousy, sexuality, children, etc.).
- If the spouses begin to live parallel lives that never crossed each other and if they cannot share anything when they come together,
- If they lose their belief that marriage will be better,
- If they believe that there is no solution other than divorce or living separately
- If they start to look for pleasure and happiness in their work, in other women / men, in their children,
- If the marriages and spouses do not recall anything positive other than negative thoughts and feelings, such as being not understood or valued and being ignored or unwanted,
- If it is deemed that the current lives, other roles and responsibilities (e.g. work, parenting, friendship and social life) are interrupted due to the marriage.